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What You Should Know About Ranil Wife

What You Should Know About Ranil Wife

Early Life and Education

Ranil Jayewardene, the former Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, was born on September 29, 1949, in Colombo, Sri Lanka. His father, Junius Richard Jayewardene, was a prominent lawyer and politician who later became the President of Sri Lanka. Ranil Jayewardene was educated at Royal College Colombo, one of the most prestigious schools in Sri Lanka. In 1970 he graduated with a Bachelor of Laws degree from the Faculty of Law of the University of Ceylon.

Ranil Jayewardene began his legal career as an attorney-at-law in 1972. He also served as a member of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka. Jayewardene gained recognition for his legal expertise and his commitment to the rule of law. In 1977 he was elected to the Parliament of Sri Lanka, where he represented the United National Party (UNP).

Political Career and Premiership

During his tenure as Prime Minister, Jayewardene played a pivotal role in bringing about several significant changes in Sri Lanka. He implemented economic reforms that aimed to liberalize the economy. He also introduced a new constitution that replaced the previous constitution, which had been in place since independence.

Jayewardene's premiership was not without its challenges. In 1983, Sri Lanka experienced a wave of ethnic violence that resulted in the deaths of thousands of people. Jayewardene responded by declaring a state of emergency and deploying the military. However, the conflict continued for several years, and Jayewardene was criticized for his handling of the situation.

Despite these challenges, Jayewardene remained in power until 1994. Under his leadership, Sri Lanka experienced economic growth and political stability. However, the ethnic conflict remained a major issue.

Post-Premiership and Later Life

After leaving office, Jayewardene continued to play an active role in Sri Lankan politics. He served as the leader of the UNP and remained a vocal critic of the government. In 2015, Jayewardene was appointed to the parliament of Sri Lanka. In 2018, Jayewardene was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Sri Lankan Business Excellence Awards.

Ranil Jayewardene's death marked the end of an era in Sri Lankan politics. His achievements will likely be remembered for many years to come.
